Closed Bug 491515 Opened 15 years ago Closed 13 years ago

Firefox won't launch after Instantbird


(Core :: Widget: Win32, defect)

Windows CE
Not set





(Reporter: ggrigor, Unassigned)


(Whiteboard: [nv])

Using the first alpha release of Instandbird for CE6 has interaction problems with Firefox.

If Instantbird is loaded before Firefox, Firefox won't launch.  When Firefox is launched first, Instantbird will launch.

Appears related to an earlier interaction problem between Firefox and Fennec.
Whiteboard: [nv]
Probably because of DDE, same thing that happens when you start Firefox the second time: It finds an existing instance and opens a window there. Solution is to use a different DDE app name. It works for Thunderbird+Firefox, please see what they do. Of course I'm only guessing that that's the problem.
If I remember well someone explained to me that on Windows CE it's not possible to have 2 DLL libraries with the same name loaded at the same time (even if they are in different folders), and that in this case the second application that attempts to load a library gets the library loaded by the first application instead.

We had a patch modifying the way errno was handled in the wince shunt, and it was probably creating a binary incompatibility with the shunt used by Firefox.

If this is really the cause, replacing that patch by another way to handle errno would apparently fix the bug, but it would return as soon as either of the applications is updated and they no longer use the exact same version of libxul.

I don't think Firefox on WinCE is still actively supported, and WinCE is no longer actively supported for Instantbird, so WONTFIX may be the best thing to do here.
WinCE/Windows Mobile support has been removed from the main build system, Spidermonkey, mobile installer, in-app updater and so on (see bug 614720, bug 554087 and all their dependants). Until such point where MS decide to release a Windows Phone 7 NDK and the decision is made to port to that platform, this is WONTFIX.

Filter bugmail on WinCEMassWONTFIX.
Closed: 13 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
No longer blocks: Instantbird
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