Firefox Build System

All the stuff related to the build system and associated automation

Select a component to see open bugs in that component:

Android Studio and Gradle Integration

Android-specific build issues

Bootstrap Configuration

Tracks issues related to the various tools that attempt to bootstrap and configure a system to optimally build and develop Firefox. This includes the standalone "mozboot" script, `mach bootstrap`, `mach vcs-setup`, and `mach doctor`

Build Documentation

For issues related to in-repository documentation about the build system and Mach.


File bugs here for general Firefox build system issues. This includes problems running `mach build`, `mach configure`, `mach package`, `mach artifact`, and other mach commands related to building Firefox. This component also tracks issues related to and make files.

General: Unsupported Platforms

Like the "General" component but for issues related to platforms not officially supported by Mozilla's infrastructure (e.g. FreeBSD, NetBSD, non-MacOS Darwin, etc).

Mach Core

Tracking bugs and feature requests for mach: a generic CLI dispatching tool. *Issues with specific `mach` commands used to develop Firefox should be reported elsewhere. e.g. issues with `mach build` should be filed in the "General" component.


The simplified installer for building Mozilla applications on Windows.

Task Configuration

Requests for assistance with creating and updating individual tasks and decision tasks for the TaskCluster Platform.

Third Party Packaging

Repacks of the Firefox releases by third party vendors (e.g.: Snap, RPM, ...)


Firefox Build System Toolchains